Seat of the Pro-Loco Isola dei Pescatori

A commemorative plaque dedicated to the fallen islanders of the II World War marks the outside of the building hosting the Pro-Loco Isola dei Pescatori, accessible by the last of the double staircases which once characterized the central part of the buildings facing the lake. This architectonical solution, which was used to preserve the building doorways in case of a raising of the lake waters, was abandoned to make room for restaurants and cafés outdoors.

Left by the islander Vittore Zanetti to the local community after the Unification of Italy to become the seat of the first Primary School for girls, and used for breeding and rearing fingerlings during the last war, the building is now used for local meetings also by the island community and the members of the “Cooperativa Pescatori Professionisti del Lago Maggiore”. It displays original maps and old photos showing fishing activities and the social life on the island.

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